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About the Mosselbank


The Mosselbank River, a non-perennial tributary of the Diep River  flows in a north-north-westerly direction across the Greenville Development. The river is approximately 35 to 40 km in total length, with its source on the slopes of the Klapmutskop Mountain  approximately 10 km south-east of the site. The river flows for 20 to 25 km downstream of the site before joining the Diep River (to the north-west), with the Klapmuts River joining the Mosselbank at their confluence approximately 10 km to the north of the site (Day & Ollis, 2010)


Moderate-to-high Conservation Importance


Ecologically significant

Although degraded, this system provides ecologically significant seasonal wetland habitat that is still hydrologically and geomorphologically intact, with very high potential for successful rehabilitation.


Restricted habitat type

The system represents a regionally threatened/restricted habitat type (i.e. seasonal channelled valley-bottom wetlands in the agriculturally transformed northern portions of the City).


Functional roles

The system fulfils a number of important functional roles within the catchment, mostly
associated with erosion control and the dissipation of flood waters.


Critical Ecological
Support Area (CESA)

The Mosselbank valley-bottom wetland has been categorised as a Critical Ecological Support Area (CESA) in terms of the prioritisation of wetlands for conservation within the City (Snaddon & Day 2009).


Ecological corridor

The river and its associated valley-bottom wetland act as an important corridor for fauna
and/or flora within a largely transformed landscape.


Rietvlei Estuary

The Mosselbank River is a tributary of the Diep River, which flows into the ecologically important Rietvlei estuary

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